

Cheryl Hile's MS diagnosis isn't stopping her from running marathons

Cheryl Hile is living with multiple sclerosis (MS), but the condition hasn't stopped her from completing 34 marathons since being diagnosed.

Meet Christopher Wilno: 4x Ironman (EJ)

A truly inspirational story of how Christopher Wilno found light in the darkest times with the thanks to Ironman. Chris' story is a fantastic reminder to keep going when times get tough.

Run Specific Warm Up (AV)

Michael Phan explains the right way to warm up before a run.

The Marathon Race Strategy (AV)

Michael Phan explains how to prepare for a marathon and gives key insights into the world of running.

The Benefits Of The Humble Beetroot (AV)

This articles covers what humble beetroot is, how it can be used, what are the benefits as well as a case study, supporting the statements.

StrongmanRun 2012 (AV)

Introduction to StrongManRun and its members, the experiences they had and what motivated them.

Recovery from an Endurance Event (HK)

Instructions for recovery after crossing the finishing line.

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