

Mindful Self-Compassion

University of Michigan women's track and field student-athlete Jaimie Phelan shares how mindful self-compassion guides her through difficult times as a student-athlete. This allows her to be comforted with self-kindness, much like how she would want to care for a friend or fellow teammate who is struggling. Photo by billy lee on Unsplash

Who Would be Crazy Enough to Swim 1000 Miles Down the Missouri River | Dave Cornthwaite

When we're thinking of challenging ourselves or going on an adventure, there's very few who would think up something so huge as a 1,000 mile swim in open water, never mind the longest river in America, the mighty Missouri River.

A brave rowers story on how her injury impacted her athletic career

Arielle Sanders, captain of the rowing team, was hampered with multiple injuries during her career. The mental toll grew during each comeback. Eventually, the pain was too much and she had to stop competing. While Arielle learned to cope with her situation, she still felt isolated. Nevertheless, Arielle found acceptance from her teammates and coaches.

All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes

Andy Puddicombe from headspace tells us, with some clever tricks, how it takes just 10 minutes to mediate each day.

Architecture Improves Human Wellbeing (AV)

A great video, showing a new road, created for cycling.

Under Armour Women. Protect This House. I WILL.

Under Armour Women. Stronger than you think. More persistent than you think. Sworn to "Protect This House" harder & longer than you think.

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