indful Self-Compassion (MSC) combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion to enhance our capacity for emotional wellbeing.
Mindfulness is the first step— psychologically bringing ones attention to events and actions happening in the present. Self-compassion comes next—bringing loving awareness to ourselves. Together, mindfulness and self-compassion comprise a state of warm, connected, presence during difficult moments in our lives.
Students from the University of Michigan explain Mindful Self-Compassion in correlation to physical activity. Failure is completely normal. Or not getting the score of time you trained toward. This is why MSC is important.
It's easy for one small factor within your sporting career to get you down. Taking time to take care of your body not only physically but also mentally, in order to bounce back easier and quicker from a down fall and continue working toward your goal.
Mindful Self Compassion practices:
- Practice mindfulness and self-compassion in daily life
- Understand the science of self-compassion
- Use self-compassion to live in accord with your values
- Handle difficult emotions with greater ease
- Motivate yourself with kindness rather than criticism
- Work with challenging relationships
- Manage caregiver fatigue
- Practice the art of savouring and self-appreciation
- Teach simple self-compassion skills to others
How can you incorporate Mindful Self Compassion with Take a Challenge?
Spreading positive energy, positivity and motivation is all what Take a Challenge is about. When you incorporate Mindful Self Compassion and having the right mindset, you are able to reach further than you initially planned.
Getting inspiration from others peoples stories and motivating yourself to get up and do something is just the start. You will soon be able to use your stories to motivate other people, creating a cycle of inspiration and Mindful Self Compassion to commit and maintain the hard work you are putting in.
Write Something Simple about 6amCLUB
Getting up early, before the rest of the world is awake, just you and the sound of the birds in the morning, is in many ways, therapeutic.
There are so many mental benefits to waking up, one of them being learning about Mindful Self Compassion. The positive energy and optimistic outlook you are bringing to your day just by getting up and getting things done in the morning is putting you in the right mindset to continue to achieve.

"It always seems impossible until its done" - Nelson Mandela